

Benefits of fish oil for children

Probably many of us remember this unpleasant, we may even say, disgusting taste of fish oil since our childhood. To take it in its liquid state out of a spoon was a kind of challenge. But nowadays, it is possible not to agonize yourself any more since the fish oil produced by LYSI is so purified off odors and has pleasant taste that it will be pleasant even for fastidious people. As well as it is produced in capsules which are convenient to be taken out.

Fish oil is very good for children since it compensates the necessary level of A and D vitamins, some microelements and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Beneficial effect of fish oil on a child’s body

    1. The first benefit of fish oil for children is that it is used for rachitis prevention. As of today, this disease is common among children from 2 months till 2 years old. The problem is deficiency of D vitamin in the organism, lack of which causes problems in cell growth. Fish oil contains large amount of this vitamin, which supports normal growth of bone tissue, immune system becomes stronger and it prevents muscles weakening.
    2. It is also recommended to give fish oil to school children, as due to content of polyunsaturated fatty acids it improves brain performance. These acids form and develop brain tissues and stimulate intellectual development.
    3. The polyunsaturated fatty acids containing in fish oil support production of prostaglandins which in turn reinforce the immune system and help an organism to cope with infections and have anti-inflammatory effect.
    4. Regular use of fish oil will help children to cope with stress and aggression as it supports production of serotonin known as a happiness hormone.

    Joints of each person (including children) need fats as in case of deficiency of this substance, joint tissues lose their elasticity, which may result in their damages. Also these fats are joint oil, they cover rubbing chondric surfaces and reduce their deterioration. The most important fats omega-3 are contained in fish, therefore people who live near the sea and eat fish never suffer from joint pain. In case you face this problem, it is better to take fish oil in complex with anti-inflammatory medicines for fast recover (according to your medical prescription).

    It is better to take fish oil during meals, having previously consulted the doctor. The pediatric dosage is specified on the packing.

    The main thing to remember is that it should be taken not once only as it won’t give any result. It should be taken by courses, usually one course lasts from 1 till 3 months.

    Fish oil should be stored in a cool dark place; it especially regards its liquid form.



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